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4 Things about a 3rd trimester massage

Karen Stoner, LMT

4 things about a 3rd trimester massage

1. May help reduce swelling in feet and legs

Short Answer: Towards the last months of pregnancy, mom’s blood volume has nearly doubled and gravity pulls this extra load down towards the feet and legs, causing extra swelling and heaviness. Massage can help ease the pain and puffiness of this extra fluid in the feet and legs.

More details: Swelling in the legs and feet are very common, but should be watched closely by any medical professional. While massage can help keep the swelling moving and draining, and make the legs and feet feel lighter, it will be done very lightly in case anything hazardous like a blood clot is lurking in the swelling (but signs of that should easily be able to be detected by someone who knows what to look for). One thing both doctors and massage therapists may look for is called pitting edema which can signal something a little more serious than regular uncomfortable swelling. If that is suspected, your massage therapist may immediately stop the massage and send you to the doctor for safety.

4 things about a 3rd trimester massage

2. It will not spontaneously send you into labor

Short answer: Massage is not an “eject” button. There is no medical proof that massage can start labor. There are some pressure points can help strengthen contractions once labor has started, and some cases where labor has started after a relaxing massage, but it isn’t the massage that starts labor.

More details: Massage and labor have a very complicated relationship. Some people avoid massage because they don't want labor to start early, and others seek it out in order to get it started. While there is a lot of research and knowledge about pressure points, reflexology, and hormones affected by massage, there is no medical proof that anything can actually, guaranteed 100% start labor. There are pressure points, particularly in the ankles, that studies have shown can strengthen contractions and make them more effective after labor has started, as well as reflexology points in the feet that can keep labor moving, but nothing that can really get it started. There have been reports of people going into labor the evening after a massage, but ultimately, it wasn't the massage that started anything. The science says that the human body doesn't like to start or trigger anything while it is under extreme stress or duress. Many times, the massage can help the mom-to-be to relax, both in body and mind, and that sense of relaxation and calm is what can signal the body that it is safe to get things started. Rarely will the actual massage be the thing that suddenly triggers spontaneous labor.

4 things about a 3rd trimester massage

3. Foot massage IS safe

Short answer: There are several old wives’ tales that pregnant women should never get a foot massage. This myth has several sensible origin stories, however the basics are that a regular, relaxing foot massage is perfectly safe at any stage of pregnancy, and especially needed in the 3rd trimester..

More details: This myth is so strong, it has been presented as fact in medical tv dramas. This comes from several different sources. One back story is that reflexology points in the feet can trigger pre-term labor. First of all, see above paragraph, second of all, while there are powerful reflexology points in the feet, in order to "activate" a reflexology point, it must have sustained, unmoving pressure directly on the point for at least 5 seconds. This is not something that happens in the context of a regular, relaxing foot massage - it is a specific and intentional movement that just isn't done as routine or by accident. The other origin of this myth came about like the old game of "telephone" - it started as a precaution for pregnant women to avoid cheap or unclean nail salons because unclean instruments could spark an infection. This sensible advice spiraled into manicures and pedicures, and since occasionally pedicures include some foot massage, the story devolved into only being about foot massage. Ultimately, massage is safe and very beneficial to help relieve pain of overworked and tired feet.

4 things about a 3rd trimester massage

4. You can still get your back massaged, even with a big belly

Short answer: While the ability to lay flat on your stomach is not recommended (or comfortably possible) at this stage of pregnancy, there are options to still get a back massage. On the table, you can be placed in the side-lying position so the therapist can access the whole back, or if laying down is uncomfortable, a chair massage with proper cushions will also work.

More details: While there are products on the market that advertise allowing pregnant women to lay on their stomach, they aren't incredibly recommended by therapists who specialize in prenatal massage for a variety of reasons. Nevertheless, there are ways that you can get that sore back massaged. Side-lying massage with proper and appropriate cushioning lets the therapist access all parts of the back. Massage on the back can also be done seated, either on the edge of a bed or massage table, in a chair, or in a massage chair with a wedge pillow to allow comfort while leaning forward. There are several options, and your massage therapist should be willing to discuss your options and concerns in order to give you the massage in teh areas that you need.

4 things about a 3rd trimester massage


A Caring Touch: Massage Therapy

1315 W. College Ave, #200

State College, PA 16801

(814) 235-1236

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