Massage can be a tricky business. On one hand, it can be viewed as a luxury, a service that is provided to make you feel good. On the other hand, it is also considered a medical necessity to help with your health. Generally when you receive a service at a place such as a hair salon or a restaurant, you tip. But at your doctor's office, you don't. This is why tipping is kind of a grey area for massage. In my instance, I am based in a chiropractor's office. I provide a medically-accompanying service. Some people give me tips, others don't. In my case, I never expect a tip, but it is aways appreciated. Since I am an independent business at that office, I can let my rules be loose. Some locations have strict rules about tipping, be it cash only or not at all, so it varies. Overall, wether you tip or not is up to you. I discuss this in more detail in my previous blog article: "To Tip, or Not To Tip Your Massage Therapist?"