Physical Benefits of Massage
Many people consider massage a luxury, a "treat" or simply a way to relax and relieve stress. While this can be true, there are many more benefits that massage can provide for the body besides just relaxation. Massage can also:
Decrease edema (swelling)
Lessen inflammation
Loosen tight muscles
Relieve sore muscles
Increase range of motion and flexibility
Ease chronic pain and keep it from flaring up
Strengthens immune system
Decreases cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones)
May help lower blood pressure
Can improve/fix posture
Mental Benefits of Massage
Mentally, Massage can also help with relaxation, and calming the body. Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage is an effective tool for managing this stress, which translates into:
Decreased anxiety
Enhanced sleep quality
Greater energy
Improved concentration
Improved sense of calm
Reduced fatigue
Self care